Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Green Box - Warning - Contents Lethal


Once again, it does not matter what you call a thing, rather what you end up with.

If you set out to create a dead end street but call it a cul-de-sac it is still a dead end street. 

If you try to fill a position with a certain profile and call it a MORE equal opportunity by giving special considerations to someone or lower the standards to accommodate them, the end result is the same.

Under the UN guidelines, International cooperation and coordination between nations is a guise to achieve social justice by taking resources from some countries and giving them to others, including food and water.   

Politically correct phrases have been used to promote various causes that would otherwise be recognized for their true intent if accurate descriptions were used.

Don’t buy into the distraction of what is in a name.

Warm and fuzzy phrases have lured us into choosing the rights of one group of people over another.  Equality has always been about equal opportunity not equal outcome. 

The Agenda 21 Conspiracy, AKA Sustainability is just that, a conspiracy not a theory.  If you are quick to dismiss it just consider the recent news of how even our phone conversations and our internet activity are being archived “just in case” they are needed at some point.  This is no theory and no one is exempt.

In summary, forget about the naysayers and look at the goals and the end game.  There is still time to stop it; for sure it will be much harder to reverse.